Seller Help

Getting Started

  1. Register a new SuiteSeats account as a seller, or convert an existing account to a seller
  2. In the Header of SuiteSeats, click Seller Portal
  3. Enter your store information. Your store will need to get verified before it can be seen
  4. Add a new suite. The suite will also need to be verified before it can be booked. 
  5. Your suites can be booked by buyers once your store and suite(s) are verified 
  6. Update your suites’ availability to match any upcoming arena events they should be available for. Available events are based on the arena’s event listing they publicly provide
  7. Visit your store or suite page to see how it looks from the eyes of a buyer 
  8. That’s it! Buyers can now start booking your suites. 


How long does it take for my store or suite to get verified?  

The admins will receive notifications when new submissions are sent. They will be handled as soon as possible. 

I cannot find the events I want my suite to be available for. 

Events are imported once a week into SuiteSeats using public event listings from the arena’s website. Please double check the event is available at your arena. 

How can I update my store page? 

In the seller portal, navigate through Settings > Store. 

We do not require reverification, so you may update your store page as often as you like.  

How can I update my suite pages? 

In the seller portal, go to Products and edit your suite. 

We do not require reverification, so you may update your suites’ pages as often as you like. 

Can I have multiple accounts manage my store? 

No. At the moment, only the current account you are logged in as can manage the store.  

How can I update my information (e.g., password, email, addresses)? 

In the header of SuiteSeats, click My Account. 

What type of payment methods are accepted? 

SuiteSeats only supports PayPal at the moment. 

What does the entire payment process look like? 

When a buyer books a suite, the money is transferred to SuiteSeats via PayPal. The appropriate amount credited to your store will be seen as your balance. After the required withdraw threshold time has passed, you may request funds from your balance to be transferred to you via PayPal. Please ensure your payment email is correct.  

What is the Minimum Withdrawal Amount and Withdraw Threshold? 

Your balance and withdrawal request must be great than the Minimum Withdraw Amount before you can request a withdrawal. Also, the funds you request for withdrawal must be matured after the Withdraw Threshold time length. This helps with resolving any potential fraud, chargebacks, or refunds. 

Seller Portal’s Side Menu


A quick overview of how your store is doing. Head over to the Reports section to see more detailed information on your store.  


Products, or simple products, should be considered as addons only. Suites should not be added in this section. Some of the products may be optional such as catering, while some may be required such as parking passes. These products have likely been previously added and will be maintained by the admins.  

In the case a new product should be submitted by sellers, click Add New Product and submit the form. Then, you should be editing the item and seeing more details about it. Ensure the price, category, add-on category, description and venue are correct. Save the changes to the product at the bottom of the page, and then you can select the even availability for this product. The product will need to be approved by the admins before it can be listed and sold.  


A full list of your orders.

Use the filters at the top to filter for the status of the order, the date, and the customer.
Use the export buttons at the top right to export the data. Do note, we do not delete any past order information.

Click an order to view it. Within an order, you will see some information about the order itself, and the customer who placed it. Under the Order Notes, you can customer notes which will send an email to the customer with the note, or leave private notes the customer won’t receive.  


Request a withdraw from the current balance of your store.

Your balance and withdrawal request must be great than the Minimum Withdraw Amount before you can request a withdrawal. Also, the funds you request for withdrawal must be matured after the Withdraw Threshold time length. This helps with resolving any potential fraud, chargebacks, or refunds.

You can expect your withdrawal request to be handled within 3 business days. Please ensure your payment email is correct.  


Manage and view your suites and suite bookings 

Click Add new product to submit a new suite for approval. When adding or editing suites, please ensure the require confirmation checkbox is unchecked, and a venue is selected and saved in order for the events to show. You may update your suites’ details whenever you’d like.  

The Manage Suite tab lists all the bookings on your suites, and the Calendar tab helps you visualize your bookings.  


Import and export to/from SuiteSeats. Please be careful when importing modified data.  


Back to Dashboard

Clicking this will take you back to the previous menu.


Update the details of your store.  

You do not need to request approval for these changes. You may update your details at any time. You may update your details as often as you need to. Upon confirming, your changes are reflected immediately. 


Update the PayPal email used to receive your withdrawals.  

You do not need to request approval for these changes, and you may update your email at any time. Please ensure your email is valid and has successfully set up a PayPal account. 


Update the processing time and shipping policy. 

Social Profile

Adds clickable icons to your store page 

Please make sure each link begins with https:// for it to be valid. Currently, these icons are not visible in the individual suite pages. 

Store SEO 

Add fields that may improve SEO (Search Engine Optimization), and how your search results may look on public search engines. 

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Suite Seats