Suite Seats where Canadians sell luxury Suites
How it works

Make money from events you can’t attend!

Selling your Suite is easy

Add your suite to our secure
and custom owner's portal

List your suite for as many
events as you like and update
your listing anytime

We let buyers know
using search engine optimization
and our large database of buyers

Suite buyers shop Suite Seats
for experiences they can't find
anywhere else using our customer
friendly website

Suite Seats verifies the buyer,
takes payment, and looks
after logistics of transferring
tickets to make sure you and
the luxury suite buyer have a
fantastic experience

Why list with Suite Seats?
It is impossible to attend every event. Let us re-sell your suite for the games and concerts you can't attend and put that money towards your annual lease.
Zero membership fees

It costs nothing to list your suite. You tell us how much you want to make and we add our fee, which the buyer pays.

Take the risk out of resales

Suite Seats vets every buyer and ensures you get paid.

We help you advertise your suites

We know how to advertise! Our team ensures that Suite Seats is search engine optimized and that we are marketing available suites online using Google Ads and Facebook ads. This approach ensures we find buyers who will pay top dollar.

We're here to help

We are happy to help! Our team can assist you with setting up your owners' portal to get verified. We can also help you list your suites and determine the optimal price to charge.

Answers to questions
Is it free to list suites?

Our platform is free to use for both buyers and sellers. We charge a standard commission fee on the sale of all suites with the remainder payable back to sellers.

How do I list my suite?

After you are approved as a seller on our platform you can submit your suites through our online website. If you need assistance we are here to help and an account representative is available to walk you through the setup process.

Which payment Systems do you accept?

We accept all major credit cards through our PayPal payment platform.

How do I get paid?

Suite buyers first pay for your suite and the funds are held safely by Suite Seats. After your buyers attend the event we will dispense the proceeds directly to your account through our payment platform.

Suite Seats